Drum8, 8-Bit Drum Machine Sampler for the Apple II

Riccardo Macri has written Drum8, an 8-bit sample playback drum machine for the Apple II. In the early 2000s I had quite a vintage computer collection. TRS-80 CoCo2, Apple IIe, Amiga 500, Commodore 64, a couple Atari XL series, and a couple others that I can’t recall. Sadly, I had to…

Circuit Bending sound design app SoundScaper, now with MIDI control

SoundScaper, the circuit bending sound design app now has MIDI control in version 1.2 The updates have been coming fast. Igor Vasiliev has been busy. What is new in SoundScaper: Complete MIDI control for all faders, knobs and other modes Possibility to create MIDI control maps for different controllers Two different…

Circuit Bending sound design app SoundScaper has been updated to v1.1

The circuit bending inspired sound design tool, SoundScaper is now at v1.1 I’ve mentioned SoundScaper by Motion Soundscape (aka Igor Vasiliev) before here, here and here. Now v1.1 has been released. Here’s what’s new:  Advanced control panel for all faders and rotary knobs opened by double tap. Simple automation of changing…

Xenobioz releases free Amiga Sonix inspired VST, Aegis

Aegis is a free VST inspired by Sonix for Amiga. From the Xenobioz website: Aegis VST is inspired by the old amiga synth Sonix.It’s main features are the Drawable Oscillator and LFO waveforms and a special type of Phase Distortion. Features: 1 Drawable Oscillator. (128 samples) 1 Drawable LFO, that can…

‎SoundScaper 1.0, the Circuit Bending sound design app‬ for iPad has been released

Igor Vasiliev/iMusicAlbum has gotten SoundScaper approved at the iTunes app store. As we mentioned earlier this month SoundScaper was pending approval at the iTunes app store, and it is now available here for $5.99. A recap of the description: SoundScaper is an experimental sound mini lab for creating unusual soundscapes, atmospheric…

Circuit Bending type synth app, bent.fm lite v3.4, released in anticipation of full version. @bent_fm

bent.fm has released bent.fm lite v3.4 for iPhone. In anticipation of the full bent.fm app, bent.fm lite has been updated to version 3.4. Description from the app store page: bent.fm lite is a model of a circuit-bent synthesizer. bent.fm allows the user to tweak classic circuit bending modifications like fine…

New demo tracks for SoundScaper, the iPad 8-bit/circuit bending sound design app @zzzwiw

A few days ago we told you about SoundScaper, a new iPad app up for review at the iTunes store. The developer now has some new demo tracks available. Here’s a few new demo tracks from Motion Soundscape/Igor Vasiliev for the new SoundScaper app.

New iPad app, SoundScaper, to resemble 8-bit/circuit bending sounds

Igor Vasiliev has submitted SoundScaper to the iTunes store for review. From the developer’s site: SoundScaper is an experimental sound mini lab for creating unusual soundscapes, atmospheric textures, drones, glitches and noises based on circuit bending ideas…The oscillators, based on simulating schematics of actual 8 bit lofi sound playback chips,…

Critical Vibrations releases Circuit Bent Collection Live Pack

Circuit Bent Collection, a new Live Pack from Critical Vibrations has been released. Built from a huge library of samples recorded from circuit bent toys, keyboards, and drum machines, it contains 140 instruments for Ableton Live 9. From their site: “This collection isn’t just the glitchy lo-fi toy sounds you…

Denver Synth Meet 2015!

Denver Synth Meet is an all ages sight and sound sharing event. The meet will include: Modular, Old & New Hardware/Software Analog/Digital Do It Yourself Controllers Guitar Pedals Manufacturers  Demos You will be able to buy/sell/trade and open tables will be available for you to show off your gear. Live…

Just released: Chiptune Guitar (iOS) Authentic chiptune sounds sampled from vintage hardware emulation

Chris Motola has released Chiptune Guitar for iOS. Chiptune Guitar lets you customize a grid of twelve fully-selectable chord slots and features 12 instruments sampled from vintage hardware emulation. “Chiptune Guitar is a music app like no other…  play virtually any song on instruments derived from authentic chiptune sounds.” Chiptune Guitar is available…

AudioThing releases miniBit, 8-bit/chiptune style plugin synth

miniBit is a VST/AU/AAX synthesizer from AudioThing that recreates the sounds of 80s game consoles and retrocomputers. It’s main oscillator features 12 waveforms paired with a square wave sub oscillator one octave below. From AudioThing: “The waveforms are not bandlimited and will produce aliasing. Furthermore, using the built-in bitcrusher, you can…