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New Year, New Website!

Ring out the false, ring in the true.

REPOST: Be on the lookout for Sales! Radio Shack closing 1100 stores. (now 1,784 stores with complete list and map!)

The following is a repost from my March 2014 blog post about Radio Shack shuttering 1100 of it’s stores, now with the complete list of the 1,784 stores closing by March 31, 2015, and a Google map of the locations. March 2014: Back in 2006 I scored some major deals…

Denver Synth Meet 2015!

Denver Synth Meet is an all ages sight and sound sharing event. The meet will include: Modular, Old & New Hardware/Software Analog/Digital Do It Yourself Controllers Guitar Pedals Manufacturers  Demos You will be able to buy/sell/trade and open tables will be available for you to show off your gear. Live…

8-bit video game developer delivers marriage proposal via surprise scene

A video was spotted on YouTube of a video game developer proposing to his fiance via his 8-bit alter ego. In the video, seen here, the live reaction to watching the in-game scene develop is in the upper right hand corner. It’s a little dark, but you can still see…

Disposable spice grinder hack

So I ran out of pepper in one of those “disposable” grinders (the kind “they” want you to throw away and buy another). I had some bulk peppercorns from a grinder I used to have. I had been wondering for a while if removing the top and refilling it was…

Cheap Photo Studio in a Box

With all the pics I’ve been taking, I’ve been looking into getting a Portable Photo Studio. Depending on the make/model they can cost from $50-$100 (way too much for me). And where to store it all? I made my own for less than $20, and it’d be cheaper/free if you…

DIY Key Knife

Recently I bought myself a Utili-Key for about $12. I loved the idea, but after a week, it had fallen off many times, and there was no good way to modify/fix it to solve the problem. The feature I used the most was the knife blade (pretty much the only…

Thinking about starting a Phoenix Area dorkbot group

At It says there’s one on they way, but I’m going to look in to it further. If anyone would be interested in this please let me know so I know if it would be worth the trouble. Thanks!Here’s some info from their site:dorkbot: people doing strange things with…

Too much free time leads to…

a Google SketchUp model of a speak and spell.