The circuit bending inspired sound design tool, SoundScaper is now at v1.1
I’ve mentioned SoundScaper by Motion Soundscape (aka Igor Vasiliev) before here, here and here. Now v1.1 has been released.
Here’s what’s new:
- Advanced control panel for all faders and rotary knobs opened by double tap.
- Simple automation of changing values in advanced control panels.
- Advanced control panels for filter and delay modules.
- New delay module with a smooth change of time.
- Additional low-pass and high-pass filters for delay.
- Phase shift mode for each channel in delay module.
- Changing oscillator without closing oscillator control panel.
- Mute and Solo mode for each oscillator.
- Option to generate oscillator parameters without changing current sample.
- Possibility to create new empty scene in the scenes manager.
- Additional samples in built-in samples library.
- Built-in description updated.
- Minor bug fixes.
There’s also a new video highlighting the updates:
SoundScaper 1.1 is available at the iTunes app store for $6.99