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Four Biggest 555 Timer Circuit Mistakes
“Why isn’t my 555 timer circuit working?!” Avoid these four common pitfalls!
My 555 Book, Chpt. 8 recap: Bonus Mode
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 8: Bonus Mode
My 555 Book, Chpt. 7 recap: Audible Anarchy with the Atari Punk Console
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 7: Audible Anarchy
My 555 Book, Chpt. 6 recap: More Mode Mixing
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 6: More Mode Mixing
My 555 Book, Chpt. 5 recap: Mixing Modes
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 5: Mixing Modes
My 555 Book, Chpt. 4 recap: Basic Monostable Mode
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 4: Basic Monostable Mode
My 555 Book, Chpt. 3 recap: Basic Astable Mode
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 3: Basic Astable Mode
My 555 Book, Chpt. 1: How to use a breadboard, transfer schematics to a working circuit
Companion video for The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer, Chapter 1: Breadboard Basics
My new book: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the 555 Timer
Build the Atari Punk Console and Other Breadboard Electronics Projects. Plus, a complete parts kit!
Video: Talk MIDI with the Bus Pirate on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Shiver me timbers, there’s finally a video tutorial on how to set up the Bus Prate for the MIDI protocol.