Have you ever needed to decode/debug your MIDI data stream in more detail than what conventional software allows? Your oscilloscope could save the day.
Whether you’re just curious what serial data looks like, or if you’re in need of some serious debugging, using an oscilloscope to decode messages (in my case, MIDI) can be extremely useful.
Rigol 1054Z http://amzn.to/2bNa24T
Tymkrs MIDI In Me: http://bit.ly/2cihEdA
(any) MIDI controller: http://amzn.to/2bTJo7l
(optional) Bus Pirate: http://bit.ly/2bKjZfT
(software alternative) http://www.midiox.com/
MIDI Messages (Dublin Institute of Technology): https://bit.ly/2yOTgfH
The MIDI Physical Layer (Kent State Univ.): http://bit.ly/2c1I2ee
MIDI Assoc.: http://bit.ly/2bTUaKW
What tools do you use for this? Let me know in the comments below.